Product Details
+The Standard Card Table Playhouse Pattern.
****This is a PDF pattern that will be e-mailed to you via a download link upon purchase.****
This pattern does NOT include the instructions for my award winning interactive play pieces, the storage bag, the Super Size Playhouses, PVC frames, etc. Those instructions are included in the Card Table Playhouse Pattern, Deluxe Edition, found in my shop. PLEASE read the pattern descriptions carefully so you can make the best decision about which Playhouse Pattern, Standard or Deluxe, you need.
This special pattern gives you a great foundation for learning how to make your own card table playhouses. This pattern will teach you how to make the playhouse including the sweet scalloped roof, door and windows. It also includes the instructions for the following:
2 different mailboxes and my original letters for the mailbox
Choice of two door windows
Applique patterns for the light, tree, fruit for the tree, bushes and flowers, shutters
Instructions for making working curtains
This pattern is perfect if you are new to playhouse sewing!
© 2021 This pattern is copyrighted and is for personal use ONLY. Neither this pattern nor portions of this pattern may be used to create playhouses for sale. This pattern contains original artwork that is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced on items of any type for sale. Please be aware that the purchase of this pattern represents a contractual agreement that you will not use this pattern, or any portion of this pattern, to make your own playhouses or playhouse patterns for sale
This product and similar patterns can also be seen in my Etsy shops: and
IMPORTANT: This pattern is an instant download after purchase! NO waiting!! At the end of the checkout process, you will automatically get the download link so you can immediately print this pattern at home.
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